We all know how much Mr. Narendra Modi loves children. He always finds some or other ways to get in touch with them. Since he is responsible for managing the country, he has started the Pariksha Pe Charcha yojana for the school-going students. PM discusses about the exam tips with the students to help them in getting relief from exam stress. After the successful event on 1st April 2022, the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is coming live again among school students this year on 27th of January ,2023
As we know, tree Plantation is one of the best activities for making the planet greener, livelier, and healthier. Trees help our biodiversity, ensure the supply of oxygen for the next generations, and provide us with various resources. Without trees, the existence of human life, as well as other species on earth, is impossible. The management and faculty members of SDPS understand that school has a big role to play in nurturing the adults of tomorrow. Keeping the same spirit, The students of SDPS conducted a series plantation drive in various parts of the city. Grade VI: S.R. Ayurveda College no.of Students: 150 Students planted Kaner saplings in the university campus.
Plastic is one of the synthetic materials that has played an essential role in every single moment in our life. Even though the use of plastic has many benefits compared with other materials, however, nowadays there are some serious environmental problems caused by plastic. It is clear that plastic pollution impacts virtually every living organism in our world. In addition, the balance of our ecosystem is essential to maintain a good quality of life and therefore, it is now about time that the modern world decides to stop turning a blind eye to the issue and make the necessary lifestyle changes. Here’s the SDPS family, ready to take its next step in the direction, which ensures a healthier future for the entire community. We plea to all, to stop using “single use plastic” and also encourage others to take the same path.
Yoga is the Sanskrit word for union. It involves a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices. The SDPS family organised a YOGA CAMP "SAMANVAY" in the school campus to avail the benefits of yoga and imbibe the divine practice in day to day routine. The camp culminated on Tuesday, 21st of June, 2022, the 8th International Yoga Day in the VEER DURGA DAS PARK, MASURIA HILLS. The students and faculty members participated in the camp with much enthusiasm and zeal. It was refreshing and rejuvenating experience for all.
Today we fight many environmental issues like deforestation, erosion of soil, desertification in semi-arid areas; global warming and Plantation drives are a great way to combat each one. It not only makes the air around us healthy but also enhances the beauty and balance of the environment. Trees absorb harmful gases and emit oxygen resulting in an increase in oxygen supply. In the quest to make our city a cooler and greener one, the SDPS family initiated a plantation campaign. The campaign’s main aim was to direct student’s mind in constructive activities and motivate them to contribute to the society, we’re a part of. Students came with various saplings and participated in the drive enthusiastically and helped each other in planting the saplings. Around 60-70 saplings were planted by the students & staff members. The plantation site was at DCP west office, Jodhpur.
Soil is an integral part of our ecosystem and its conservation is very important. Soil supports life. It provides anchorage for roots, holds water and nutrients. Soil is home to myriad micro-organisms that fix nitrogen, decompose organic matter. It also gives shelter to armies of microscopic animals as well as earthworms and termites. We build on soil, with it and in it. Did you know that playing in soil not only strengthens our immune system but also reduces the risk of various allergies. Moreover soil is vital for farming, but we are losing it, and the only way to get it back is to work towards conserving it. "Save Soil" is a global movement launched by Sadhguru, to address the soil crisis by bringing together people from around the world to stand up for Soil Health, and supporting leaders of all nations to institute national policies and actions toward increasing the organic content in cultivable Soil. The faculty and students strongly support the movement and have made an attempt to contribute positively to the great cause. Our tiny tots sent video messages to the Honourable Prime Minister, requesting him to come up with a law that would protect cultivable soil. Students of Grade 6 made posters and wrote slogans to raise awareness, while the senior students signed a petition and spread the message of conservation of Soil.
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