1. Fees is payable in advance for the full year in three installments by post dated cheques drawn in favour of “Sardar Doon Public School Jodhpur” The envelop with the post dated cheques, duly endorsed with the particulars of students with their name, class, section and parent’s mobile number on the reverse of the cheque, is to be deposited with the Account Dept. at SDPS . 2. Any cheque returned by the bank will be treated under the category of nonpayment of fees and a sum of 500/- will be fined as Cheque bounding charges. 3. Parent should kindly keep a copy of challan issued by the School Bank in safe custody and produce these to the school in proof of the payments made, if required. 4. Parents are required to give correct particulars, such as Name of student, Cell No., Class/Section, while depositing fees on the back of the cheque. 5. In case of any refund or extra charges levied by the School, parents should kindly deal with the School. 6. Once a child has has been admitted no claim for the refund of one time charges will be entertained.
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